Title of the document Online Banking Log-In Title of the document Tourist Card Log-in
Title of the document Online Banking Log-In Title of the document Tourist Card Log-in



Identity theft occurs when criminals access enough personal information about an individual to commit fraud. They use various techniques to steal these details, from outright theft and social engineering to harvesting data through cybercrime. With this information, criminals can impersonate the victim in order to access bank accounts, fraudulently claim benefits or obtain genuine documents in the victim’s name.

How do these attacks usually happen?

Criminals are increasingly stealing identity data online, for example persuading individuals to disclose personal details and passwords through ‘phishing’ emails, and then trading the data. Common ways fraudsters can steal your identity are through the following.


Fraudsters call you pretending to be a genuine business and mislead you into giving away personal and financial information. They will attempt to make the call appear convincing by faking background noises so you believe it’s a call centre environment.

Hacking / Malware

Software’s used to hack into your computer, or information’s taken from your smartphone.


Fraudsters send an email that appears to be from a trusted company, getting you to click a link or download an attachment which would deliver a virus to your computer, allowing them to access your details.

Warning Signs of Identity Theft

Here are some of the common warning signs that someone has stolen your identity.

Bounced cheques when there are funds available

Authentication messages for accounts you don't recognise

An account looks different when you log in

Suspicious login attempts to your accounts

Calls verifying unfamiliar purchases

Unfamiliar charges on your bank statement

Do you suspect you have been a victim of cybercrime or fraud?

Your first point of contact should be the Police to report the crime.

If you need help blocking your Bank Cards or changing your Online Banking Details please contact us on

(+290) 22829