Title of the document Online Banking Log-In Title of the document Tourist Card Log-in
Title of the document Online Banking Log-In Title of the document Tourist Card Log-in

Public Announcements

Isabel Winfield obtains Certificate in Bank Risk Management with the Chartered Banker Institute

Bank of St Helena Ltd is pleased to announce Isabel Winfield, Lending Services Manager, has successfully achieved the Certificate in Bank Risk Management with the Chartered Banker Institute. This is Isabel’s second certification with the Institute, having previously studied the Certificate in Commercial Lending in 2021.

Comprising of six modules, this new qualification is designed to develop knowledge, understanding and skills relating to bank risk management in the digital age. It also considers the types of risks that may arise in the field of banking, the trends that are shaping emerging risks, and the implications of these for the future of bank risk management…


Bank of St Helena Ltd awarded Best Bank for Financial Inclusion by World Commerce Review for a Second Year

World Commerce Review is pleased to announce that the Bank of St Helena Ltd has been awarded the WCR Best Bank for Financial Inclusion 2024.

The judges praised the Bank of St Helena for their exemplary client service, demonstrated expertise, innovative solutions and commitment to quality and industry best practice. The awards panel examined the key initiatives put in place by the bank and its executive team to improve financial outcomes and opportunities for its customers.

The team were particularly impressed with the ongoing product improvement and commitment to customer partnerships shown. They were impressed with the skill, knowledge and awareness of their management and staff, who have demonstrated a sophisticated approach to sustainability for their human capital and clients…

Joey George achieves Dual Chartered Banker MBA with the Chartered Banker Institute and Bangor University

Bank of St Helena Ltd is pleased to announce Joey George, Managing Director, has successfully gained the dual Chartered Banker MBA (CBMBA) following approximately 3 years of study with the Chartered Banker Institute and Bangor University.

The Chartered Banker MBA is aimed at senior individuals in banks and other financial services firms, and extends their knowledge and understanding of the financial environment to acquire the skills to cope with the change in the ever-evolving financial services industry…


Bank of St Helena Ltd Awarded Best Bank for Financial Inclusion by World Commerce Review

World Commerce Review is pleased to announce that the Bank of St Helena Ltd has been awarded the WCR Best Bank for Financial Inclusion 2023.

The judges observed the commitment to detail and customer care provided by the Bank of St Helena. The awards panel examined the key initiatives put in place by the bank and its executive team to improve financial outcomes and opportunities for its customers. The team were particularly impressed with the ongoing product improvement and commitment to customer partnerships shown. They were impressed with the skill, knowledge and awareness of their management and staff, who have demonstrated a sophisticated approach to sustainability for their human capital and clients. The judges commend all those shortlisted and our winners for excellence of operation and standards during these unprecedented times…

Zedella Young achieves Chartered Marketer Status with the Chartered Institute of Marketing

Bank of St Helena Ltd is pleased to announce Zedella Young, Marketing Manager, has successfully gained Chartered Marketer Status with the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM).  This has followed the completion of a CIM Diploma in Professional Digital Marketing, two consecutive years of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and passing the Chartered Marketer Assessment with the institute…

Karen Buckley achieves ICA Certificate in Compliance

Bank of St Helena Ltd is pleased to announce Karen Buckley, Risk and Compliance Manager, has received the Certificate in Compliance with the International Compliance Association (ICA).

Awarded in association with Alliance Manchester Business School at the University of Manchester, the ICA certification is a practical course providing an understanding of core compliance issues and the regulatory environment. With this qualification Karen has gained Associate Membership to ICA…

Leeanne Henry achieves Chartered Banker Status with the Chartered Banker Institute  

Bank of St Helena Ltd is pleased to announce Leeanne Henry, Assistant Managing Director, has successfully achieved the Advanced Diploma in Banking and Leadership in a Digital Age with the Chartered Banker Institute. This diploma is the Institute’s gold standard qualification and is recognised globally in setting the standard for individuals and firms who seek to achieve the highest level of excellence and professionalism in banking…

Zedella Young gains Associate Membership with the Chartered Institute of Marketing

Bank of St Helena Ltd is pleased to announce Zedella Young, Marketing Manager, has successfully achieved the Chartered Institute of Marketing Level 6 Diploma in Professional Digital Marketing with Cambridge Marketing College. With this qualification Zedella has gained Associate Membership with the Institute and is now entitled to use the professional designated Associate post-nominals ACIM…

Isabel Winfield and Julie-Marie Yon gain Certificate in Commercial Lending with the Chartered Banker Institute

Bank of St Helena Ltd is pleased to announce Isabel Winfield, Lending Services Manager, and Julie-Marie Yon, Assistant Lending Services Manager, have successfully achieved a Certificate in Commercial Lending, EQF Level 5/6 or SCQF Level 9, gaining membership with the Chartered Banker Institute…

Leeanne Henry gains Associate Membership with the Chartered Banker Institute

Bank of St Helena Ltd is pleased to announce Leeanne Henry, Assistant Managing Director, has successfully achieved the Associate Chartered Banker Diploma with the Chartered Banker Institute. With this qualification, Leeanne has gained Associate Membership with the Institute and is now entitled to use the professional designation ‘Associate Chartered Banker’ (ACBI)…

Celebrating Staff Achievements at Bank of St Helena

Bank of St Helena Ltd is committed to the professional development of its staff members and is pleased to announce the certifications awarded to employees in their various professional fields…

Joey George achieves Chartered Banker Status with the Chartered Banker Institute

Bank of St Helena Ltd is pleased to announce Joey George, Managing Director, has successfully achieved her Postgraduate Certificate in Bank Management and Technology (CertBMT) with Distinction from the Bangor University, Wales UK…