Title of the document Online Banking Log-In Title of the document Tourist Card Log-in
Title of the document Online Banking Log-In Title of the document Tourist Card Log-in


Bank of St Helena actively contributes to the social development of the island by funding community activities through the Community Projects Fund and regularly supports charitable fund-raising events. The bank also supports a number of community events and causes through sponsorship and donations.

To qualify for this funding, the applicant must meet at least one of the following criteria:

Developing St Helena’s Young People

The youth are the future of St Helena. They will be the managers and workforce of the growing economy, therefore, their development is vital to the economic and social future of St Helena.

Developing St Helena’s Arts and Culture

The arts are an important part of life, and St Helena’s arts and culture are part of what makes the community special.  The Bank therefore wishes to support the development of local artistic and cultural activities.

Developing St Helena’s Natural Environment

It is possible that the pressure on the economic development can result in the destruction of St Helena’s very special environment.  Appropriate environmental management can allow businesses to thrive without risking environmental damage.  It is therefore appropriate that the Bank, being strongly committed to economic development, support projects to achieve constructive environmental management.

Community Projects Fund Guide

Click here to obtain information on Community Projects Funds detailing its aims, how it works, and how to apply.

Application Form

Click here to apply for Community Projects Funding.