Title of the document Online Banking Log-In Title of the document Tourist Card Log-in
Title of the document Online Banking Log-In Title of the document Tourist Card Log-in


A Standing Order is an instruction to the Bank by an account holder to pay a fixed amount at regular intervals to another account.

Standing Orders are typically used to pay rent, subscription or other fixed regular payments.  A standing order is not usually suitable for paying utilities and other variable bills; for these types of payments, a Direct Debit payment service is available providing that the billing organisation has also registered for the service.

A Standing Order can be set up to run for a set period of time, or indefinitely.

To cancel a Standing Order, a notice period of 2 working days must be given and the bank will require the account holder to complete a Standing Order Cancellation Form.

Complete your Standing Order Form Online

New Standing Order

Standing Order Amendment

Standing Order Cancellation

Download your Standing Order Form

New Standing Order

Standing Order Amendment

Standing Order Cancellation

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