Title of the document Online Banking Log-In Title of the document Tourist Card Log-in
Title of the document Online Banking Log-In Title of the document Tourist Card Log-in

Zedella Young gains Associate Membership with the Chartered Institute of Marketing

Bank of St Helena Ltd is pleased to announce Zedella Young, Marketing Manager, has successfully achieved the Chartered Institute of Marketing Level 6 Diploma in Professional Digital Marketing with Cambridge Marketing College. With this qualification Zedella has gained Associate Membership with the Institute and is now entitled to use the professional designated Associate post-nominals ACIM.

The Diploma is internationally recognised and aims to support decision making within a digital context and carry out an essential and successful professional marketing role within the workplace. Furthermore, it is designed to equip marketers with the knowledge, skills and understanding of the professional marketing competencies framework.

Following the qualification Zedella will work towards becoming a Chartered Marketer. She commented:

“Marketing has now become a widely valued field on St Helena as more individuals are gaining qualifications with the Chartered Institute and I am pleased to become an Associate alongside others on-island. Bank of St Helena has been instrumental in allowing me to develop skills from the course in my role and I look forward to continuing the development of marketing channels and content within the organisation.

“I would like to thank Leeanne Henry, Assistant Managing Director, for her support and encouragement over this past year. I would also like to thank former Enterprise St Helena for their help in securing this qualification through the Skills Development Grant Scheme.”

Joey George, Managing Director, said:

“This is yet another amazing achievement for Zedella in her role as Marketing Manager, for Bank of St Helena and as an Ambassador for our young people. This qualification along with the professional designation not only validates Zedella’s knowledge and experiences to date, but goes toward providing assurance to our customers that we have staff with the skills, knowledge and experience serving our customers. Marketing is an integral part of banking and we value the great work Zedella has done to date in this area. I would like to say a massive congratulation to Zedella and wish her all the best as she continues in her role and goes from strength to strength.”

Bank of St Helena Ltd offer their congratulations to Zedella on her achievement.