Title of the document Online Banking Log-In Title of the document Tourist Card Log-in
Title of the document Online Banking Log-In Title of the document Tourist Card Log-in

Joey George achieves Dual Chartered Banker MBA

Bank of St Helena Ltd is pleased to announce Joey George, Managing Director, has successfully gained the dual Chartered Banker MBA (CBMBA) following approximately 3 years of study with the Chartered Banker Institute and Bangor University.

The Chartered Banker MBA is aimed at senior individuals in banks and other financial services firms, and extends their knowledge and understanding of the financial environment to acquire the skills to cope with the change in the ever-evolving financial services industry.

This high-level and intensive learning experience combines the MBA disciplines with more specialist subjects that reflect modern banking and finance. 

Joey commented:

“I am very proud to have achieved this prestigious dual award which has not only enhanced my academic credentials, but has enabled me to gain further knowledge and experience in the ever-changing industry of banking. Sincere thanks and gratitude are extended to all who have supported me along this journey, with particular mention to the Bank Board, Bank staff and my family.”

Chairman of the Board Glenn Owen said:

“Bank of St Helena is very proud of Joey’s achievement which not only demonstrates her commitment and dedication to her role as Managing Director, but also her commitment to ensuring that Bank of St Helena is knowledgeable and equipped to succeed and continue on its mission to deliver banking products and services to enable sustainable development on St Helena.”

Bank of St Helena Ltd offer their congratulations to Joey on her achievement and wishes her much success as she continues in her role as Managing Director.Â